Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Aquarium of Niagara

The Harbor Seals Rescue Cove is one of the most popular exhibits for visitors to enjoy at the Aquarium of Niagara.

Harbor Seals Rescue Cove

The Aquarium of Niagara features many different exhibits and shows. The aquarium contains Peruvian Penguins, California Sea Lions, Poison Dart Frogs, an Octopus, Sharks, turtles, and many different types of fish.

When you first walk up to the aquarium, there is a Rescue Cove in the front that people can look down into. It is open and allows people to see the seals swimming around the small pool of water. After walking into the building, people can venture right or left following a circle shape. Walking around the first floor, people will be able to see the sea lion tank in the middle as well as many fish tanks along the walls. Right next to the entrance to the aquarium on the right is the cove for the Peruvian Penguins.

Walking around the first floor allows visitors to see the open-air tank as well. It is shaped like a rectangle with water filled up halfway. There is different colored moss and plant-life growing around the tank as well as starfish and crabs.

People can access the second floor by the stairs or the elevator. Once upstairs, people can have an overlooking view of the sea lion tank. Also shaped in a circular form, people can go into the different mini alcoves of the fish tanks upstairs. Facts about the fish upstairs allow visitors to learn more about different undersea life.
Starfish, Crab, Sea Life Tank
“The aquarium is a wonderful regional facility that offers a great deal for anybody who wants to learn about sea life,” said Gay Molnar, an employee of the Aquarium of Niagara. 
“We have many different exhibits that have a lot of information regarding each one.”

The Aquarium of Niagara is host to many different types of fish. Some species that were in different tanks were sturgeons, seahorses, lionfish, clownfish, angelfish, eels, blowfish, and more.

“I really liked looking at the puffer fish because those are my favorite fish,” said Deb Quiles, a visitor who brought her two-month-old daughter. “I would definitely tell people to go [to the aquarium] because it’s a really nice place for the family and it’s cheap and they have really fun stuff to go see and the people there are really fun and nice.”

Deb Quiles said that her favorite exhibit included the seals because right when you up to the front door sitting there looking cute.

“The seals were pretty cool to look at when you first walked up to the building,” said Kacy McLaughlin, a visiting college student from Suffolk County Community College. “Everyone coming to the aquarium was stopping to look for a few minutes and see the seals swimming around and playing in their little cove.”

The Aquarium of Niagara is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It is closed on certain holidays. Admission is $10 for adults, $8 for senior’s aged 60 and up, $6 for children between the ages 3-12 and free for infants 2-years-old and under. Parking is free for those who need it.

The Aquarium of Niagara is located at 701 Whirlpool St., Niagara Falls, NY 14301. Aside from the exhibits and shows, there is also a gift shop as well as opportunities for people to book special events.

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